Peer Mentoring

Peer Mentoring

The ASCE x Chi Epsilon Mentoring Program pairs first and second-year students in the Civil & Environmental Engineering program with outstanding third-year and up students who have volunteered to be mentors. These mentors will help you deal with any problems that you face, both academically and with other issues relating to the college experience. 

Unfortunately, the application to apply for the 2024 – 2025 year has already closed. However, if you are interested in the future please be on the lookout for information about the application in early Fall 2025!

Mentees (First and Second-Year)

You’ll have to overcome a gauntlet of obstacles at Georgia Tech, each of which is harder than the one before it. But, as the road becomes more difficult, you will become stronger. Please let us help you along the way.

Mentors (Third-Year and Up)

Mentoring is a fantastic opportunity to expand your network of connections beyond students in your academic year. You’ll also develop your leadership skills. Most importantly, you will be able to enjoy the satisfaction of helping others.

If you have any questions about anything mentorship-related, please reach out to our Member-at-Large, Abi Lin (